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Rose Bowl Classic 2025 Rules

1. Portland Rose Bowl Classic is a mixed competition open to men and women.   Rose Bowl is limited to the first registered 30 teams.

Rose Bowl Classic will be a USBC sanctioned/IGBO affiliated  tournament and maintains a Moral Support Sanction for non-members of USBC.  This means no additional charge to non USBC members.  Non USBC members desiring to qualify for USBC awards can purchase a USBC membership at $30.00 (men or women).  Rose Bowl Classic abides by all USBC rules.  Please familiarize yourself with the rules regarding bowling equipment and any other USBC rules that may apply.

2. The receipt of an entry and its acceptance by the RBC Committee shall regulate the number of players who participate.  There will be no refunds after acceptance by the Rose Bowl Registrar.

3. Entries must be accompanied by the full amount of fees as outlined on this entry form.   RBC accepts personal checks only to May 6th.  Money orders, or cashiers checks are preferred forms of payment, as is payment through PayPal online.  There is a 3.5% processing fee per bowler for each PayPal payment to cover PayPal processing fees.  It is imperative that bowlers send an accompanying email explaining for whom and what team the fees are being sent.  There is a $25.00 fee for bounced/ NSF checks.

4. Team strength will consist of four (4) members of any blend of men or women, competing on an equal basis in each event.  Partial teams or single entries not designating a desired team or teammate on their entry form will be assigned by the registrar.   There can be no changes once assigned.   Doubles partners must come from the same team.  To ensure that your team bowls together include all information and ALL fees together.

5. . Rose Bowl is a Nine Game event. All entrants will bowl only once in each event.  Portland’s Rose Bowl Committee reserves the right to use substitute bowlers in emergency situations, who may have already bowled in a similar previous event.  However, the re-bowl substitute can only cash once per pre-scheduled event of Doubles or Team.  (Only a bowler’s paid and registered scores will be valid for determining Singles All Events.

6. Substitutes are allowed to bowl at the Tournament Director’s discretion.  A Substitute is required to provide accurate and immediately verifiable proof of average as outlined in these rules.

7. Late bowlers will start bowling in the frame in which they are ready to bowl.   Prior frames will be scored as zero.   No practice balls will be allowed for late bowlers.  If an event has officially started, a team has the right to request that a substitute bowler immediately take the place of a missing/late bowler.   If a suitable substitute is available, they will be supplied to the requesting team.   The missing/late bowler forfeits their entry fee for that event.

8. Team Captains must check in for their teams at least 30 minutes prior to the start of each event.

9. All claims of error must be submitted in writing at least 30 minutes after an event ends.

10. Cash prizes:   Each event has its own prize list based on a minimum of 1 to 10 ratio of return, including both Singles Events.  We proudly feature a 100% + cash return on all prize fees.

11. Any and all other events or options offered by the RBC are fun events outlined in other areas of this entry form.  Participation is at the option of each bowler.  These events are add-on fun events and are typically not USBC sanctioned events.   Any issues that may arise will be resolved by the Tournament Director, Committee and/or bowling establishment. 



Tournament Averages

1. Verification of all bowlers’ entering averages must accompany the entry form.   All bowlers are required to submit average verification with their entry form or it may be returned without processing.    The return of any entry may impact the date-sensitive entry fee, increasing the base fee.  All bowlers are forewarned that waiting for a master list of league averages to be sent by their league secretary does not fulfill this requirement.  

2. The RBC Registrar will verify all submitted averages.  The USBC sponsored site, and/or IGBO league and tournament average site will also be used for verifications.

3. All bowlers who have won prize of $300 or more in any one event in the last 12 months must report their actual scores, position and amount won at the time of this entry.  Failure to do so could result in disqualificaton from the tournament.   All bowlers are cautioned to be aware of the average adjustment requirements of USBC rule #319e. 

4. We require two years of averages - your 2024-2025 average and/or your 2023/2024 averages, or Summer 2024 averages with 18 games or more.

5. Handicaps will be calculated at 90% of the difference between 230 scratch and the entering average.  Negative handicaps will not apply.

6. Professional bowlers, identified as belonging to a professional bowling organization shall not be permitted to bowl in this tournament.

Sport bowling USBC Rule 205 will be applied.  A bowler must submit and use their adjusted Sport Bowling League average utilizing the USBC Average Adjustment Scale (see rule 203), if this average is higher than their sanctioned league.  Failure to comply may result in disqualification.

7. For an average to qualify, 21 or more games must have been bowled in league play.   The average used shall be the highest of: A) High average as of  April 30, 2025; or if none B.) Highest Season-end average from the 2023-24 Season (minimum 21 games; or if none, then C.) Season-end average from summer league 2024. 

8. If no League average exists, as outline above, then the entering average will be set at the tournament average of 230, with zero (0) handicap.   Rose Bowl will accept an IGBO Tournament Average of 21 games if 21 games exist by the May 1st deadline.  Please see Rule #4 for unusual exceptions to this rule.

9. It is each bowler’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of his/her average, whether submitted by the bowler, team captain of others.  Failure to report, and thereby use an incorrect average may result in disqualification, unless corrected during registration, prior to bowling.

10. All averages, team lineup or other pertinent scoring and lane information must be corrected within 48 hours of receipt of bowler’s confirmation sent via email by the Tournament Registrar.  Failure to contact the Registrar within that time frame will result in a $5.00 late processing fee on registration night.  (Last minute changes often result in errors between the bowling house and the tournament score keeper.  This $5.00 late processing fee is designed to minimize the number of last minute changes.)

11. Rose Bowl Classic occurs the week after IGBO International.  Therefore our Registrar may be delayed in comfirming averages, possibly to the week of the actual Rose Bowl.  Once an application is received, The Tournament Director or team will inform you of its receipt.







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