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The Portland Community Bowling Association's

Peace Rose 

Congratulations to the Pacific Rim Award Winner at Rose Bowl Classic 38: Portland with an average handicap game of 220.75.  Seattle came in second with an average handicap game of 218.08.  Vancouver, BC was not entered in this year's Tournament.

2024 Team Results Page
2024 Doubles Event All Placements
2024 Singles Event All Events (Six Games)
2024 True Singles Event

Side Events

2024 Best 3 out of 6 Competition
2024 Optional Scratch Side Event




After 39 years at the helm of Rose Bowl Classic, Tom Geil retired, once again, and handed the responsibility for all future Rose Bowl Classics to Co-Directors Terry Walton and Mike Bathtolomew.  Tom also recognized and thanked Dianna Gray, who had stepped in to Direct the Rose Bowl during Tom's absence during the early 20s of the tournament.

Appreciation go out to our Sunday Portland Community Bowling League members for their generous support of over $2,000 towards the prize fund and the Scratch Masters event.  Also thanks to Mike Bartholomew's Bridges to Roses Event that donated over $1100 to our tournament.  Thank you also to those participants from our Friday night PDX Pride bowlers for their ongoing support of Portland's oldest gay sporting competition, The Rose Bowl Classic (est. 1983).   Fantastic.  There is no "Party in Portland" without our participants. 

Our original format of your choice of our classic Rose Bowl Six Game format, combined with our Rose Bowl Classic True Singles Event, worked out perfectly, again thanks to score keeper Tim Tkacik. 

Portland’s Rose Bowl Classic is extremely PROUD to be paying better than 1 in 7 in every category and in the case of Team event¸ it  works out to better than 1 in 5. 

Thank you to our team of volunteers for all their hard work and time. 

Tim Tkacik
Terry Walton
Mike Bartholomew
Mike Nelson
Tom Geil



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